A Wealthy Lifestyle

A wealthy lifestyle is possible for all.

bethany droshendahl teaches wealthy lifestyle practices in her Wealthy Living Workbook

Financial Teacher and Wealthy Living Workbook Author, Bethany Drosendahl

Wealthy? Really?

The philosophy behind The Open Gate and this workbook is that wealth and a wealthy lifestyle is unique to every person.

It’s a refreshing philosophy about money and wealthy living that’s a wonderful combination of having a positive mindset, practicing money-related skills, and using a repeatable process consistently to reach your financial goals. The end result is “living a financially fantastic life.”

Wealth is an individualized expression, unique to each person. Therefore, by exploring your beliefs about wealth and defining what you value you are able to embrace what you understand as a wealthy lifestyle. This is a key component. The workbook guides you through discovering and claiming your wealthy life. Through the Wealthy Living Workbook exercises and in the posts and articles shared here, you’ll learn about and practice the skills you’ll need to create wealth. If you act consistently and with integrity to match the values that are your own, you will achieve it. If so, you are not in a hopeless situation. There is a better way if you are ready to dive in and work hard. You will begin to build a better financial foundation as you create positive changes with your finances.

You may have spent wildly, run up a lot of credit card debt, had large and unforeseen expenses, or maybe didn’t want to face the mail when your bills arrived and so you tucked your bills, unopened, in a drawer. Many, many people do these very things because they think their situations are financially hopeless and they can’t figure out how to gain control of them.

This is not wealthy living, and over time, it sucks! Literally, it will suck the life out of you. If you want to make permanent changes, not just on the surface but down deep, the Wealthy Living Workbook will help. You can build a solid financial foundation if you work consistently and believe in yourself. You will gain the skills to overcome your debt. As you work through the exercises and practice, you will gain more and more understanding of what a healthy financial foundation looks like. This foundation changes who you are and you will start to clearly see what you value. You will not go back to being in debt again. A solid financial foundation keeps you on solid ground.

The Promise of a Wealthy Lifestyle

If you close your eyes and keep spending, you will stay exactly where you are. That is a promise.

But, if you practice the skills and the tools in the workbook daily, weekly and monthly over and over again, you can have your own financially fantastic life. Better yet, you will never go back to the rocky ground you started from because you will have learned valuable skills and developed healthy habits along the way. As you create a more solid financial foundation, your relationship with money will change for the better.

What’s in the Workbook?

Here are the basics:

The Open Gate and the workbook take you on an easy-to-understand journey through a simple, “aha!” inducing process. The workbook takes you through four areas of thought, process and planning. These sections help you work out a practical, achievable roadmap to wealth that is a perfect fit for you. The four areas are:

Explore Your Beliefs
Develop Your Skills
Clarify Your Values
Honor Your Integrity

You can read more about the Wealthy Living Workbook here.

Taking positive action to build a solid financial foundation is freeing and empowering, And if you think you can do the work to get out of debt and create wealth, you can!